Opening set at The Bradford Common 

It looks like the weather is going to be great for the show at Bradford Common tonight. It is in Bradford, MA - just over the bridge from Haverhill. If you are in the area come check it out. It is a free concert and a beautiful outdoor venue. Just bring a chair or blanket to sit on. I will be playing a (roughly) 30 minute set.

Beginning work on new album 

I have been working on pieces for a new album. I hope to start recording by fall and will see how soon I can get the material recorded. It will be a bit of a challenge as I want to record some classical transcriptions which sound wonderful on the steel string as well as new original pieces.

Upcoming gigs 

Due to weather issues, my warm up slot at the Bradford Common has been pushed out to next Friday. Hopefully the weather will be more cooperative next week. I will be hitting the open mic scene again next week - Bogies and Riley's for sure. Hope to see you out there somewhere.

Calendar is now live 

Hi All, I have put my calendar online and I will try to keep it up to date with upcoming performances. The majority of performances currently are at local open mics but hopefully I will start playing some longer gigs soon.

Also, I am hoping to start venturing a bit farther for open mics. I will keep you posted.

Revamping web site and playing out more 

Hello, All,

Sorry I have not been keeping up with this web site, I am trying to get it set up the way I want it now and hope to be able to maintain it from there. I have been playing at a lot of open mics for the past year or so and I got the opportunity to play at one in Nashville, TN last month. It was at the Tennessee Brew House and it was a lot of fun. I hope to be able to get back down that way before too long.

I am rebuilding my email list so even if you have signed up for it in the past, please sign up…

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Kinetic Edge has been released! 

Hello All,


I have released my first album in many years. For those of you who have continued to listen to my music through these lean years I thank you. I am hoping to communicate more through this web page regarding gigs, new projects, etc as things move forward. I am currently working on a second album with the Rich Gaudreau Band. I will try to add some links to that project before too long. Another thing I am going to try and do is use the blog section on this site to add some commentary about the…

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